Thursday, January 3, 2019

My Story Made Diet Doctor Last Year

Last year I was honored when my success story was chosen and shared by Diet Doctor on their facebook page.

What is Diet Doctor? It's a website run by real life doctors from around the world who believe in the benefits of a low carb healthy fat life style.

Best of all it isn't sponsored by corporate giants. It's made possible by people who subscribe to the website. A lot of the information is free. But with a subscription you get access to some pretty good films, documentaries and interviews from experts in their fields. As well as meal plans.

The people make it possible to get this information out there to help others.

There are hundreds of success stories from all around the world from people from all walks of life with different issues. Most were obese with type 2 diabetes.

I had to remove most of the cannabis out of my story which at first, upset me as I feel like it was very much part of my recovery. But the more I think about it. It is a natural plant. Real food. Therefore it is in my opinion very much part of low carb healthy fat lifestyle. Because that is what low carb healthy fat is, real natural food.

 I still only eat it in oil form. Not smoke it.

Cannabis was put on Earth by God, Budha, Mother Earth, Big Bang or whatever ever theory you believe in. It was not made by man in a factory, injected with wheat, canola oils nor sugar!

I understand to help as many people as they can, they need to stick to the laws from around the world.

My Story Made Diet Doctor Last Year

Last year I was honored when my success story was chosen and shared by Diet Doctor on their facebook page. What is Diet Doctor? It'...